автореферат диссертации по филологии, специальность ВАК РФ 10.01.02
диссертация на тему: Georgian-English literary contacts and receptions
Полный текст автореферата диссертации по теме "Georgian-English literary contacts and receptions"
°3j63 iJ3-ibo"330(joli lijb3çnBnl/ m&octobnb bo>b3i>3f?n<3e> •36n3D'<îl'n63Ôn pf g J AVAKHISHVI LI TBILISI STATE UNIVERSITY
• b^çB^Partnii ^<3236001 Copyright
Boiiojo ¿b-gçn mdgjjn
Marika V. Odzeli
dMmTK-nÊôeni^n cnao^ô^on Jn8ô5dS3&n Qb ^oua^unofcn
10.01.02 jorten'SÇO Ç^ÔS^iW^
Geortjian LilÉ-raluri» 10.01.06 çol>o3ç3<>) 33iiim3olj0> çà ¿>33rtnjf>l» UOÔS^Îrôrtj
West European and American Littérature
bo^obgrf^yrm acuB3 «goQnQOgnob 33(jEo3i<i3&^mi gnjftnrtob bo33y6r>3/tipi bocinbbnb 3mboJ<Ti33?>gog f?cx(i3<ng535050 bo'OrtpiSobi Thesis announcement of a work submitted for a degree of doctor of philology
minçnbo 1994 Tbilisi
БоЗ^тЭп 'ЭзЬЛ'дзз&'э^п.э 030Б3 ¿с>здЬп,Эзп(>пЬ ЬлЬз^т&оЬ от&о£>пЬпЬ
<ngn(joigjj<í»o пЗоБзБйз&о: 6¿Q¿¡>n¿ jnCL^oE^nG^b JL^qo px'içmjL.jjo^ igosjnjjngnnb ЗзцБпзйзЬлто Sjnj^nrto, З^гкдзЬгхЦп
gonrtgo d3 цпцп'Эзосо
gn¡jpi£¡p>gool) ЗзцБпз^зЬохп.э {><*>j5ri<<ío, ■ЗентдзЬпЛо
br>ßP)3n6 gnmrtgnb dg bjyo^ogn cjoçnçrïQOoO Ззцбпз^з^лол 5>r>j^mrôo, З^годзЬгк^п
1 QÍ í)Y Jlcc
'Здадз&о 1994 pçnb " Ьооот&з 030,63
J03ôbo"33oçnl> ОоЬз^тЬоЬ roSoçnbob bôb3jj3£Tnigm зБозз^Ьо^з^оЬ илЭзцбозЛр! ЬоЛпЬЬз&оЬ ЭпЭБг>$зЬз£>о sjn^rt.ifl'ji'inb goxígnb Ь-эЗзцбпзйп-ЬоофзЬфоип« bo&¿nb PI О.Ol.С Nio-з ЬЬ^тЗойд. 380028 ет&оцпЬп, ¿¿3¿¿3¿><Inb goBZnrtn 1.
еоЬз^йлуппЬ^аоцБт&л "33ndç3&i m&oçobob ЬоЬз£>3(Уо<дт зБозз^Ьпфзфпи &o&çnMo)3jàc)n.
ОС оз.
t> Ьл^пЬз^оцлп Эоцбз 1394 ¡?çob "л " ^ '
БоЗзуБоз^п-Ьол^зЬ^лиоп b^&Jmb <- —-
боЭблЗоб вгааоро çoOoOoowjôo
aiQQab OJâJOCrcôo. 0>ù6û00Q6n30 Joftsjc 6qciаоэо jjво fcojaorj вобпо ßoenyoeoapo oSßo оЭоб эдбойда,'
¿¿базе» сrtiSOf (5ЯЗ""Э бо&о60од(5л tiOtfO ОЛ-
йО^зЛоб, cyijoonSoajoOQ
РСЮЗОбМО ЗЗ^Зд odo(irt:3C306fW5o¿. ЭоОо J3Q33¿ Bbnscnn QO-
обПпа? аз rte Лоабой С^ЗО^З^о, 33d аобзпяофдЗгеро о 30
ífj oö Qàntfab Otoñan (¡ôt&rtnaGn бойб^ороб о0/\?оГ5рбоел. fJÖJ0~ ' ал^бдс dpo6çnàùb абааососюоб ^зз^^зпь о^ол^оАдз-
ço öjäPojtvjäop дЭЭос^ боЗоГЬоЗоЗо ед eoCjrmflcünfc bôtfsn ' jàGnGSneooÔQâàGm' Ciaoçn oo&jrto&jflo ¿Qño30 03^330 öjjo-PO ObnSQM cn$Qfi¿65<lnb n6dr>ó¿8r> - обДгаЛпз^о ¿toojbjdob 83-6Ô3J6O'JJ(? 030 jVjil o^&tüo^ojrt ço CnSoffflrtfrt, 6r?(vj ЭдС&ЗЗ po-
r>ol> J3QQ3¿e eùr>3çna çoljriàfarir.b А5лозбооб bbjùQôbÔjà jj»-
Йоэ ÔndMiioZiàdr) jn fflüjn оЛпСо .T/X О^э^збороб/' 0(5 Ообпоооб J3Q03¿ ®06£>0«06 snaáfízQdfiQó,* 603606 bájófíajotvib 30Ü0Э^ед-Ôoû &00Q3Q bó¿ndGr>dQóQ роЭзОад?^.- оородобоа
fcoa^wo Jù3&r>rinb Öoo&M C^tíortoájfj^c ofanofinnüob&o ço 60З-¡yâO^iSjilôaÔQ-jçeoninb ойоообо .JrtoegrxljôoO $r>ñdnr)oЗоЭ Здвтоео ап^паа сл-з^боадлдвсюб ^orfecjc су^д^о-
(Jjrtaù зПаюоПтяНой, 0633,3 оЭ (¡SQfíñb joçfânb ¿О^ЗЯo^yojc" ¿ftooço ро 3o66ofiijarfo jùfiaijça оо$з<1^$эб0аОоъдбзоЬоЬ dnfío-oopo öoöoflejcaäoo.'1 6o63rtfflJ firtjocop
0r!pi/30$nço ОС■>enñ6Q<i ebr>3Q0n соаолоззлоиеооебдгебобозоб ÇM
oft/n йойэп дзЬзса. о^дооб зоблбзсуЛ ort®opjfle>o Орлял 380
pooocrcjaoffl бо-побп Pc<oônçôB ßondo&ßa. еоойу« оозз^аэлло дл-оп.ЗбагаЗово ¿30030*' ÇOéOfàâJftOQ j/feoj/lfflraôoeо Ообзгйсодп пб^л-йооб 8Qbn¿3Q¿-bntjtSQ0¿áD8¿Qr>¿,' dojôo, соЗоПой^Лао-
Sretfofco Флбоаобо од аоЛдзобо joBgaJSD^ob водпзюбо - аообосо-©ûraflnjçtr» едЗдсдЗаЗоб SjâjSojjôO ро OO3. 31^)36300 QO$3~ ríú¡jj6ob off liüJjdSna J3Q03<> oSnOjbQdb од b¿ñ33&b; livÖQQOQ ùft-liQàeiâQô djVcijço coôOiïJâJrtnb o6¿¡rar¡oo0o ро ОоооззгадзЛо jflotjo-jo9o. CW^dJflJ0° aOcPooßiOTSjÖо cwdB^djiioi) o6á"f5oo(j 03605,33-бдсо бОрО(ЮО PO бдбдгяозоо, Об обо jne¿QQtfb3r¡x>Q Эбро 0J636 Элбродс^оп« Jortojcw Qofrjrt^Sjnnb bbjô Jajyбойгаоб ootW^Wao Qùjgortjsànbàb oSjoßop ooSii, rto9 пОозоборэЛо po-
daffocjjiîoiio çd Cftdjfwjjffjo ЭПапобап&мо зобзоамОзЗо гообобобо
r/6^.j6boj,v5r>ai 6n6gr>6úñQr>bb. cnSjnjSjñdQn ^бапзбФпЬздп бор 6¡?c'<5ор 0606036 OÖJOPOOÖJO Jyßnrapoü Jôtia^ç aodOdeSjäjc Gbú¿3ñ3Q~c¡baot¡Cij^ñ (»3 OQOjn-QodcijdOQoboa JtlnG-QnJjôO po co;35/îi>(3j0jco Jitoß^Oob ûooitora рпбдб. а0б0<3зег5изз Jortajça CdatfOdj/loeSorapOjoS"®1} J3C03"13 О60Э363С0306 SnÖoflroj-03606 í?¿rtóvoo¡338b Jôllajçn ÔPQOçn&ob 6008(5380 ebngçnn сodO^-ÖCJrtJC АЗгадбвоб SoSórtojóoSo, SoOo örtoaopöürtaso ъбапзПтпЬоЬп-60 £?o ottooQnaôoÔùôaQôQùnb Sob$ù3Qù Cf>3Jfo<}J<l33aoGt
ftob dQQQaùQOQ Otoob вЬПпз ¿ОГкядсо oöd^rtoo jtffirc
gôCa;n po boç>60obo3Q ÖoüoooO oîjoôO, Öratvi Ôjnrijb ÔO603 030 j3Cíj6no ôÇâOQb oSjjoprtjôô ebnxQon coaoflodJfloû n6,grartoo5o.
пзоСп ззоззоь nù0333b jôfo>3e-n6âçobjrtn coda^djtfjo" ^ПапобФпЬоЬп ^оЛЭгаорззбб. 6¿drínd3n 'УогЗДр-пбасобдЯп ácjrt.jo" JvSéúji33Ô0 po 60005000ÖO" Л336 Ззззаороя рмда^ззпо-6<i, fío bobob jnS$ù.j$Qbo b oO nfí po flffawí <9/7-
0(4(7,' дзпазгМо PO aoooßrto JoßmjeSo ЭР3Г5робоб nôaçnbjfln çaSj-
f5J(33ßo po Joßnjocs, - JMa>3Qn.
MndojOnb doOfrjcnlJ C63. SodSojCJÔoç) ЬоЬ^О&зПп
гоэс^обасoo^ßn e"(53">>a;ji5jo дПапзпвпЪоnßuofo xix (¡¿jjjôno воппз бо0зз«пеоб. pooo^oöo» обозэ ¿эяогарб аоб^щвабдао ¿?огь ¡уЗО^ЗЭ^ЗС (îœrjôOŒO po дЛводЛвбоЭоАйовооо
Oil Jßiiooif ÇC?0b00 äßdjQQOÖo - Oftool) öörtog (jßaoaeoöo mjom Jófíajcy-nSgQnbofín с^бО^й^зс" C53ôo, ötvQo вдял36 eöfioj вуоя öooöoortjc ьоз^зас^э еза^о об j(76(3oit33aoí)o ро оэ nrto coaortjaacoû эяшпоя»вов.>й»о0о<л> j^co-
júñadQ-nSácpbjño зПаозЛап&зйп тпвМпвп
¿faQjbnó po <9JOC?O ar»6oFoc3"ôo6 <jo3jçfjôa6 rtoaraflg ¿faflwaotyV о&сш обзе^ос?" ôpcmçQbn, ôaôfiâ66oçQdo, рпбоа^замввпебобп. об обо OçnçndjS n<v¿nñe doQnjÔQQOàrxsn, ôbo33 О^дзвбпобп jnC-aoffortœrajôjù, rtJO CPiQfàiOfiJÇ jitoo^rtenSoao ООдоро-ООдо я^Пбпш дсобрдЗо. rtoo ЭддОдЗо bô6oe6nQflr> Ь$згУпЬ, oj ЭоосК одЗо гн5о до&ьпоэсодо довппупЬ: о riant} ÖÖrtoj 0630176300 QoqSo-Ofàànb Gnjn Jôfajço QOÓOrt^óJrtJCO ártoQQOoÜob J3C3J0 Qú 60133-Со ej3c33¿r}jRob Sojrt o6aco6.jrto в^зОспйпЬ dOdQOànb dQbF¿3Q¿, örccn ejnfí.jb aortoj Jùôœ.jç-neâçoûjôn cniSOfàfàfiJQn эПаозбап&з-ôo6 06ü0(303Qo pojaOo6i3jf5o floùocoO Q¿dj&ú30ü¿> d¿fa>00O pô
eporsonôoo - ооазяойдяошбопрбдпзоао oCiy-
обасобосо d^0)33Çf>Qr>d3Înb d3Q03f)b JrtQCQO эвзвоЬ^д дЭд-liçnp Jortœjo вроА<?пйбвп бобробо^о ЗбоозЬ^бпЬ Эдбродсош <3060-
Omcyi d¿fio)33Qо fljOCO^fS8" обобо, Алб
078.36 0630063" coflOf^rtdO, ¿dô(>a>ô6ô,j3 "ЗЗСЗЗЗб Jônjij^-n6gob~ jffonoflawödffld oO^nflnoO (зОдоробОдо ôbdjfâb po
- б -
вдройэЗото со^эЛоаэАооаэгарбопбоб JrtSoooopúG а^боОпсодаб -fort- . ®эо ÇJ пбасобзл
903QQÔQO" а^ЗЗОЗгсообйэЗобо ^fím^Q-nSecob^tí Qn$30ù~ atooortccnfloej обмяло ^3360053 эдб/уозсяс eobúcob ¿¿aji>-роб^обоЗой, oâopo ffjJdjôoOo í>J dr>3QQ6aànb ¿ó6ЪзозбпЬ ро оО дЯаодЛютЗово овсдЗдЛо ¿оабасоЗдЗоб bjgjdjjçSjl.
бс>дппвпЬ 0о8обп. Jofídjon с0(5aß0(3jßo6 jfianj6a,r>Zjôogô6 QOÙÙ3Q30 озбп-jnb j30ü6.0&ob QO¿,jríóSr¡6oáció5 djsBôjçjZn 6o6ßj-coe ortoo dobp¿3copo Jo(5fflje-g(5o6ejco co-
dQÛùfàlioço зПап^ГлпйоооЬ nb¿n6nc¡. ôbojo SosCùjçQàn bnbfyçooi ófínb dobpooçnço Joßdjc-o^öcoüjßo cW^dJßCJCO jra6doJi5a3oO ßrejo^rtoo oOv^jJiJo. Лдабо bjfíjncn пцп ioftojc^oöacР^З" CdOfo-jrteo^fiœoSoeo обй^Яооб dortoffiopo бо0о<5a^Q^üQ&nb g«Jönjijj-6o-jco6oso0ofio3o PO 060Ü bög^djQQßQ ÔGiQnàGn nb¿nfínnb ¿06Srç-аороЗ^со бдЯоаюО
боЭЛоЭоб адабодОзсо Соойсд. б^ЭПпОЗп ¿¿впуобд3jc?oo (J.l8<j3oi5ao0ûfflo6 Ьсдоо5г>збп рЛодЗЗо впЗпззЗзса Sjgoôjâoo? даба-Зо ço ÇôjâjdjjQôOQn сodo^djßO, ро njbgafiçnb äod-
ÇoaaQjoûôa CïïdoQSzçn 6¿b¿Q3üo¡ аЗорпЬпЬ збпззбЬп^ЗдоЬ jjßaje-
оCOdOrtodJffJC a<toojflaí73oeo 6/j códnnófinñnobó ем «добб Joßoe ¿яфздо роолс" &¿Qv3á33ijSob.3Qn ьзоб^зпз&п; n6QÇC)bQQ вообпзПзда^б впвпрзОпЬ «Ш^ОдСадЗо, ¿joßpo обобо, аобеосдсо çoôjtfojjSjçw ^33608^3 езьр^зсосо зоп&сзвз&п,
¿¿аз^спьрпбздзспо 3J33 ùfib3&3QO J3Q03ob дОРОдО^о ро ¿r>33Cnj3
обоб b¿33d33Q03 60^3363600 ¿¿базр-обеопЬэб CW^WJC1 ¿fian-Qôanàôwo ¿Sbôb33çn bnb$Qdàôo8oô3çn, 90^38363360 obfii-^njnn
3 тозЬо.
боЗГЗпЗоб ©зпбоэО" PO боззйээео.
Búdfíaón q8Ü¿C¡35Ó QoaortOiJcjrtOfflÔociçieonanb 30ÖC0Ü Sotjpfl-
зззб, л^пдЛагаЗово до^аззобо ро болоабзЗоб o6¡3"-
flojC-Sjpofaôo® Эдброзс-^; dôbdo 3jC"0 33<1i3jq ро
jiifiajç сю^оззИоябогарбзгсЗоЗо enQQÔjQO вобобзрАгазз $0rtdn6n-
6¿dfíndnb Ortoiaojac" ббпЭдбзс«зо. боэгтвдп а^зсзбоо бобороб оззлло пуобэ&ь £?ог5в?дс-oos^gorta^fo®^ с>(3э"о0эоэс
водЛягаЗово J3?03o6 З3Р333З0 S30CÍC330 06333
^¿/збзЗзс 0^636 Joßrojс" CniWOi3CJrto6 o6(jnfloo6o po 063006360 COiJ3í50i3Jffo6 пбйгаЛооб bàQoJeon j.jfibQÜdo po 03rt3«33 <?30dc?o3o ¿ойрдб ¿?oficçjc-o6aço63rt C"i3300i3JÍ53C S^mnQficr.nbàmù дзвд^пвп -взеозпЬ b¿sc)d33Qn.
боЗГхчЗоб oJfSrcSoon s Sódñrtdob 0¿CJ33QO бороодЭп 306Ö0-í?3Cr> адя с^ЗЗ^ЗЗ^ЗС oitenoßanüMö b/j
C03w3o5r>r5oo6 bбрпбдЗбо po 636060^3353, <53633300336 60633603-ífo ¿явззпобопзйВз, bàQfxnùdnnnbn бобо'гагозбзЗЗз pop ЗбоЗобзго-Эо (азбЗзГ53зГ5о, ОозлбЗзсо, робрлбо), 6ùd(W3nb 0633003 306л-■ЛШ^ЗСО РзборзЗп сЗособоб 3603366033306 дбпдзддс, 03606 (азоеобоо) 36033660133.5060 po DP36636 (робоо) лбоззАбоазйоб 6063060360 даббосЗ^Зо, ^0600363000 гсбо 6^60360500 (Jorfejp 3C0S3, 6363СО po обзоо6зг5о 63803633З0Ш) po 3600 З60З36О 06300636 36083.
боЭбоЗоб боЗбгсбо Э3Р33З0 63603006, 6060
00306, O30 ^33003060 po ñ^pi76O(3,y30f73o60306. 360*306 воюоя-ûOjC'' 0°cî36o,53006 600.
- а -
ßoSündob Эобооббо адбодосэп робоЗдшзЗзсоо СйЗЗ'5033630 3600360(73000 дзЬ-006 ОдооозбрпЗо 6081730017? ä^3QQCi 36(7,3630" çnSirtJàjfinbôo-306. b¿¿¡Moi33?ndn 06 60Ö06 J0Q03¿ XJX bôjjj6nb 63(763 öoöjjrto-роб рооДугс, âùSenaMQbnb 0063660030 380 3063c" PO ^3360 603-jj6o6 бобгаоообо розЗороб oöoo 6053(33683 озоро, j30330b об Ь&эбпЬ орбобоЗбодор аовбро оОосо ЗоббобзЗо: ¿(76^0603030860, сзз^оаз^зсо ¿17630603030630^0, ззробззоао оозз^оазбоагбогаобз-габо, Sopofíjóoeo flopanöo, ЗзробзЗогоо Ззброзсо, ЭзробзЗояо 63-югсро, c^do^odjiljc" дпаозптЪзЬо, 0033603.3630" Jrtceojßawöo ро
j6aoo6ffl¿?63P33o, doJ(7cy7aoo, с°33"03з6зсо зСяозбозоброрбзЗо, СЗЗЯОЗзбдоб ЗОзЭофЗо, 0ОЗЗ"ОЗз6зс зЛ®оз^сотЗо(Я0опр6згаЗо1';
¿озЭоИдЭо ро 60606СР3З060, с^ЗЗ^ойдблсо 360036-ciní>o¡)0 ро збоозбабобобдоЗобо. 36 3jo6o6j6oco 3366060 в336b 603600 ЭзбтвозОбзЭзс". ÔO60OOOO, 030 Ort ОобооорзЗо 6063633-СО cojra6o8ôoffl, 603606 Ö33C0S3 66300p 060О036 С"<53''03360®-богарбзпЗоб об РО636, ñndOQOQ 6Ö30P06Ö30 360363с С"33"озз6о-00 ' 6(731763 3063306 jrtcmjrtajoedoöaöb, оЬззз З060306 зПаозГтвп-Q¿aai3&3db 6£>озс"36. '83 бгей о бтлд со со З366063З0 jo ÖÖrac^P J3C3"
ЗпЬ ооыозС, бобОбс^поозОб орбоЗбозЗ6-
WX 603J3606 ЭзобобзЗобрз ¿7060300 ео 063006360 СО(33"0-(ЭЗбзЗоб Эдробзоогао роОобооозЗобоб даборозЗо ззос^ззо бох'ОЗб Об обо j33#6o6 спбз^оззбзсп ¿6(73363306 663036 впз^ОзбЬ (¿/6063006300 086(736360, 63636066300 086(736360, 60606308606 003063З363З060, 6300063360 езрзо ро 0. э. ). ббо9збзе«зоб"о
0363033 0<70~0¿7 630^03609 0!j3i70363S3<?n роззбоззб^с 3600360.(7-00Я>0 QÔCJOJC0 30i<3Jäo. 30630o 60333606 63063 60O3360P0S об JÍ763OJ3336 303060(7330 P033ÍA7, 600 003P0J0633COP победе«
eportçnЗоб сУдасоЗпб обаробзЛор аоб^дбоЬо ро обас^OQ öjзад-jortoo eojí5 Joßatfco CdOrt^dCJfní' Здобообзо с?зброзроЗг> 30603-робро. 06033 3dfinriQOQô6 boJofío>33(y¡3o ораоЗо o6aco6;jrto poáO" rfo^jßoO аобдвбо, o6apo6j(5o jorto>3c ро обасо-
6j(5 ройзяойзсзояо djJnfíoOJnfiQdnain 060C080. Qfitvoiù зошоЯдЗоЭо jùfimoç-n6Qçobo6D oW^Wjpo J^flortflôo jffrtra зобгзозосззбгсзбро ро pnSO^SO^OQ jfíangfiandoao ро зпапзбадово(1о>оЪоа>о Ььдорободо bsQöo 6170330. оЭрзбор, 6ojjj6o0 &jObo63Ônpo6 Jorfojp--o6QCob3fio coiäaßodjßjc" jözojfiaridjdo ро Soaio Эзб/?озро обор 003303683 еаазо - ос/дбб бззболрззор з^ЙГС örcftjfcßoaoSjp, ьоь^а-д^б Ообооаб,
J01I33C0 0030 - ^Лгоэс-обЗСЬлО ройЗ^йЗ^С jtoojffoiraôô-¡so зобзоа-оЯзЗпб oúáofio.^Q-socrtcyafjrto робоб^рз^дзо.
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ЬдбпзПпЬ çodçojnm ofyo&o. ojo роб ¿оВпвдобобЗ, ЛЗр&ЗГ&с-6063-ö6o3rto jfîeaoJJjSoO Зпбзос 300З80 03jbDjr>¿rtosocicn обао^дбо «69360 fircpôj. o9oi3n0oö Я3Э6 УЗ^^РСЗЗо 00340003® nJbsnriQob ôaççob aoccooeojoSo роозр ¿?о«азр-обаробдЯ PJ 0630063(5-^0(1-o3Jí>ojp¡Co36 po jorôocrcanj^p омРзль® обобо. aortpo особо ®зо?о 30305336301, год Оагаб porfoaoffeo çngQfiofàfiyçn oSfínb 3063000(13006 3rtnQQbn 36а,ob ÖÖH03 b0j0n<r:j3çr>b0 ро Э3ГС1136 0M03 обасоб^о ¿foffe-c3c-o63coOafl эсзяодяа'гсаово
Л060030Ф3 ро (lo bo$3d33Q&3 0^60(33690 3b 3600360 n&Qhn.
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JOQÔdào, о&збзЬо, lt6n$ù63Q3bn po OÔ ¿063600 po6obp;iôjoo ро-»
po 0бг>(5д5зепЬ jjôdjçn.
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nön öocöoö 33 od 3 63 c" збяозбшбобобэзйоб Qñwo 6Ö0630 Q3dbcijn¿r>óSn3Qn jôàdnÛQÔo ро особое, Ônbo J3033¿ обо dbaçctQ 0063306,30306 603060 Эдос^саЗо 306936, 06063p 330(3Jßo6 o6d«ßo-06 ро 336ctop, 3000013006,06 ço6aoJco6o6 добао 3033Э0®.; об 6o-joœô6 д»бгаЗо боЗбобоб 63063 ¿3301030 - Jo6a;зс~обао"6з6о poJ6o-3036050300 3О3ЗП6300. 606Э0 J06a>3 0-063006360 ЗЗОбЗ^ЗСО 36-свообагаЗоб 363000 ffOjdop Аойбззсоо 06300630 ffoorcca®^ 0P33° ¿706030o 0606 Зобоброасое; ¿063663000 ^060530-065006360 eo 06300636-Jo6®3co 36066030 ро çodbnjaôoôn, 03 60^30-
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636063 ¿3300360 - СО(5З60;5З6ЗСО 08606 аобзособзЗоб Збо-3360 60^060330060 ро обаообЭо, ÖOJ03POO 60Я3363З0 об 380, бпвзапо 306303b с?о6о»зо6о ро 0630063660 с^ЗОбоЗЗ^З36,1 робор-¡/обороб xw 60333606 <?зо0обззоа?з, з. о. об рбоа?з, бо$о ^060)30-06300636 о°<53бО(Зз6зо 3600360:06336 ззбо 306033300000 Ообооао 60330.
6ojo6o33oo6 06506006 бОзоробезо 60603330Э0 0663З3060 аоббйзоззЗзобо jjeôji.jç-JnpoâojaôdJ "6036,303006 3063333сор 1 Эоэру зЗОЗЗ^ЗС-^бГ/бозо 36®n36ffn3oeo 660300ЭЗ"«363006,
¿fortojo" snçabasaddn, bd8n¿0Qn(jbñnan ро СйзЯоЗзбдро 0860 доаобрзЗгаро ро оЙздРзЗоро ообгабозодб РО робозсз^ ¿3033^30 -0о33"03з6зоо ¿ЯЛпзбздпЬ jr>6¿J3jbé5ln. Sobo об ¿8па 30630006300 XIII 603336330 Jo(tojc?o b^ôoçd^nsnb J0(30-6360506 aoflp), огасс» oaflnjjc" cdafoájrto зозбс?зсро, 30630006-ро ро 6363606630 086(736360693 бозоро»
Joßujc" О033"03з6о6 6630360p 0630063660 б^збогсЗобоо 306300063606 366300 380 aoönoorto, П30 3366630-6(76030,' боббо-бдс» Р06036, 3606330 сЮСйЛ^оЗбО ро опЗЗ^оЗзбзЗсгоб С7Г»0!ОДГ5£ПГ7— ЗОЗО {JÙQOàQQbriÇÙ ро ¿OOÙÔÇO3wpo. об рбоб, 61730 06300636 6363606630 0033^033630 08617363306 Э36Р330 oJcijQàob 6630906630
О033603363СО бобобвдоз^ззо Qjpngó, Jofíajco о"33"ОЗЗбо jSdo-i
636 j6o8o66 зобоароро. Jf/// 603J3606 63063 бовззбороб 60-¿¡¿Гкоззспдп pooft/ra з^збзсо роаздоззбдсо 336Р36003З06 306003-Д3З0 ро oöopo 383Ö06 60360 336(7 J300 соззбоззбобоззб. oiyofWo-63З06 38083 робрзог5о ¿¡ù6a>3QO б/УзброЗо J3Q0J 3360JJP 003360-<5086/7363806 60J¿/30. X/Jf 60333606 63063 60Ö3360PO6 jo З^бо 606336360 Oo6oo0o 6oo<?o ¿706030-3360^3060 ро J36ohp,
¿/06030-0630063660 00(33^0(93бзрбо збгаозбиоЗзЗбо. # ,
. Ö3063 0030 - JO |'л,у J С- о 6 3 ро 6 3 6о 003360336300 3600360083-З060 ро ÔO0O J303JO6 063(7600600306. боЭбобоб Об борорЭо ¿/06030-063066360 соЗЗ"оЗЗйЗС" ео 606336036(7 j(763oJ333o6 3068(7-ЗОРЗЗЗОО 636000 рОбб(7(?ЗЗбОСО 330^36 60(?6f7Ö06l7 6060Ö0C306 бо-Оо0. 000J3 306173^0300 ро 3360 рззосзбор З33Д36РО0 063006360 636033ООС3ОО6О ро JO603OO d3jb3nr>nQñ¿nnb 306300063306 330-О3Э60 ро бобоаор J6/73036030JO83, 603060 P03360336300 бзозя-Оооб 0330083 6630У0500 6063З3З83 ^06030-063006360 oo33"o33-6j0" Дб0оз6сот3з3о6 063060060.
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уоСо&зЪоЬ пруз5Ь Ьрпбзр зобдро bojjjOob гаороогоообо ррзЗоооб. Й336 бойобэзрсборор 0030^60301, rfn9 обаробзбо Cftofi^iSOffok бо-3(5 Jo6p?3qo Pp36çr?Sob бзоЗЗвпоЬ 36oQQbo Fo/56(1333^060 3600Jpra-•ÎOPrçjflo 30jO'3o6 бЗорЭо обаробдр взобозЛяо œj 9®0(5з0бзра>0 Ьодэвбозбя бл^зорзпдоб ¿г5обпрозпзг5о Ш0б0о9рзз(5п3о0 РООЗ0® (U Эоробо, 6n(i$r>Qnt п. j/7бдбоЗп, в. эпбдбпЗп, s. 30606060, У.Ззрзсо, Р.Рзбао, Я.бйодабблбо, J. 3030360, * Р. г5зо5'осро, Р. Зо(5зао). Об бобооаоб Opfert оргсбоб О о-
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Ö300330 впвзво Qfiaoобор QÙ 00660603363000 333Я3363З060 063006360 d¿6c>30Qn&>¿or)b 306300063806 6060603036330 eo 06060106033 дабоерзЗо зозззбо0зооэ3°бо ЗобозбзЗоао озоро^з. 80303600 бов-30606 SodnjÔQÇQâô 0063 00/0 6330636300 Jo6(3300 6000(3360(5360 36030306 6036. зз^бобоЗоеош бо Jo6033о соЗЗбойзбошбогарбзао 306033033336, «здб" 6Ö603 Эзззоооз® 36 6060В0030 ЭззззЗ^о OÖOOO 30,ící33o® (бобо зпПдПпЗпЬ 30603,533^633300 603063З0 "606jpra6o ро 0003360", J306O6 30303606 30603^33^636300 606333-33Э0, боДуззззЗо 3o6oçb P36003Ö0006 ео 6Ö3. ).
6oj6oog) 600633636га ço 6603003360306 бобособ 0Ö0330 J06®300 0630063030 - 3O63OO 60333606 630006330006 ОЯО63663ЗО
063006360 бЙэбсоЗоб 6003Э3З0, бобробобзгаЗб 3630000 063006360 t
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^ОбсидО" 00336033606 6036.' /?ззб6 боЭбпдЭп 06333 ÖojoJ бобо*,
Ö003000 QönöQön азодзб CivöjS.JCO 063006360 б^збопЗоб 6303300-об Э360О3З 6oJo6ts33C"3o 063006360 0^336033606 306300)063306 330J3306 Jt1n6nQn¿nnb 60Ö3030®. ûc?5nd63çn ó3¿J3ü, бпд jôôw^ç--063006360 0"ЗЗ^ЗЗбЗС 3o6|joJ333o6 об^обооЗо popo 336J000 0306600 603063 Jo60(?0 3o63oJ¡533o6 Р063063З06, 603 003000633 0063300600 ço 3603306 ¿60003000 0J00,,06333 j^c3ââojfia <?<?-606603З3З06 Й03063З06 - 60Ô3360360 60Ô30803Ô336, 3063363600-3З6, 6003З0030 63603З6 po 6Ö3,
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(Злб обззобор зоГ5ро»^бо, ЛпЭ 030 ордорор бобордеоАо aoööporto-
бобо a>¿6úd3Qfír>33 езофйззсоЬоазоЬ, бпйзб^ Ь^оззбЬпбп jo орп-р^Зро Эобооббоб 6oSj6i3o® зоройобобшоб ofifflop Лдбвлзс0^ 6oÔ,yo-rîo рооовспззЗобо бобо o^njnb зЬаз$ojjrto бпвЙязбоЗ 0600306.-ôb3 бпд, aoamodQ aô636ô6b 00,3060 S36JQ0Ù Ojo6rto0. Яздб Ö03-довбоо, (5п>0 обзробдЛ 360З3 Jn>oOo6 пабозз 60^63663060 00,3006-по Эо8оаоойороб аобпбробобд, Ooíjopo ргсбоЪ воЛзЭобдЗо ЭдобАд-''•>• "30Sbob№¿r>b6ob" обзсобдйо ао^ЗОЗоЗоб ¡?о(%оЗо6 3^30" ."Сроеор 306608(ПДГ50Д6 0OŒO Э36030С0 P36OÇ3ÔO, »3 Робобой^зо-1 13ÔO, бгабмЗОоо 8jot»b330o 83^430 63ha3300b зЗп^дт "308*.
ОобЗ^ооббоб" 0630063660 00636063S60 зобро обобо, боб 06300636360306 боОуобоб 3003636 030603336333об ¿7060300 3З060, S30-в^зспО S36Jû"0O 630663036 ¿03606 «06360p, 0,3000360? ро 3063-бор 0О6366О6 bôjdjdo.
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0!?боЭбзо 60300683 63З00З0606 popo роббобдзо 30330Р0О
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"JC ¿ЗСЗЗоб 06300Э0. ¿3660p, Э330б^озсЗ® ^03606 306360p 00636606 0630600 od?Q6¿Q, бобрзбороо 030 660300666030 роЗЗ-
60336300 J0630J33306 Э3Р336 ¡?оббоо?03бб; РО3О63ЭО330 езозор
Зобззоб зоЭоз^ззубзЗзсо 630300 "33.5606^006060; Збороаоб 3033З06 ОРО" PO ¿730606 зпвпзбпЬ 3060^33^633300 боЭбобо "63-30S606 ¿зоро ¿706030 С03360336060", 6063003 6о^обедзсоЗо ¿-36-¿РЗбгаЭоо об ¿/030СО S3606300 60630Б0360 бобо^оззоЭо; 306030^3-630 06333 30303606 аоа^ззубзЗзсо РзборзЗо Зп.зЭобо
ро бобо 00636606 0633003. 063006360 C0336033606 6036 "зздбоб-
$yonb6ob" oç>J6o6 36033606 doSnjdQQQànao (В03063З363З060 Я336О боЭбгаббо ¿0060300063З300 330J36 вмЗп роббзро >Э6о003вЗЗоб Gn-
Ьзезпои. Л3360 ЗЗСОЗПЬ dQP3ô3àn dQdgO¡6ónrt¿Q dondQQió Яобозо-
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Ö36063 J33CP030 - 30000Ö 63J6J060 JO603O ОПЗ3603360З0. 30СО06 Э33600606 63603*630330010 6363300630306 00306380 60-^обгоззооЭо 6Ö30P06Ö30 зпОваа ОрзЗо ро боб ' 006360(0030 0630600 0J36. 33¿'63o6o6 30363Ô0 00063663З0 Jo6o>300p, 0Р363З0 JO603о 6336063, dojbJnfínb боб,уобо возобзЗзбор 6ооо?бзЗо JO603о ббоЗзбгаЗоОо, ¿обтзр бГзбооЗобо, öpjöo doJbJortnb З0363З060 po 606333З06 50С0СО30360 азброзоо, Jo6o>30 аобзбобом 63SJ63-' &о, Joótrjco зЗСЗЗбоб 6Bjopo6B30 Р063Э0 060Ö300 Эз^бЗобзоо
çfiùOQbnb BoQBoofíOQO J3Q030, aodnçob дз^ЬЗобпЬ 00Q333Q 6o$orí-
Ônjàaù Ó33QD ро оборо ¿060300 №063606360, 363630360, ¿003303-
öo, o3bQbo ¿0603po 3ojb3o6no6ob öoZQnrißCosoO...
¿foflffljpo pot5jno¡5jf5n6 Эод(5 вз^ЬЗобоЬ Qbnjöobnbo ço 83-
GnjdQçoônb ñgodSQnnb doßoaopo бобоАвдрзЗобо Эзбрдзбообор Э3-
ndpjôo Яобга^осоЭрдб: JOrftojpo ЕОйзббогао бзргсзбзЗоб об^пбооЭо
XW 60333606 nrtftoopooœooôn радаopоб Qoo$yo аоогсобрзЗо dojb3o~
60b 60^0660363660. ЗпПззо бобдЗЭо дзЬбзозЬзоп 00036063306
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П3063 6ofío&QcOo; do Паз с 36083 QOdciQoQaçno 8o¡jb3o6ob бобдйз-t
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Во^ЬЗпПпЬ обгаз^зЗобо ро бгардорзоЗоб дзЬрозооЬ ¿063300 ôoji'o'OcoSjpn ö03ano', 06333 6oqo6q бобо Эз9о^ЭзрзЭо(яо бз?с!3пр-ß/jn3o6 сголаббо XW 60333606 9300063З6 306333036360. зобдро 60333606 ЗбзЬодп зобя^зз^бзЗзро дзЗЬЗпбпЬ 3 rwariogojpn эблЗз-йо бо^йороо 0зобоз(1дро 60336300; orí aofl^orv^npo, 003^06 ЗОЛлзозрор обор РО 6ообЗз«з6п пбзпбвооооЬ Э30003Р0. б^зПроб 3363600; бпборо &or>Q605onb рорздбо #3360 60333606 rarti?(70poo®o-060 ^рдЗороб JjiVJC" 3odls3a6ooo¿oob збс.-зба дбо-
дзб'зспзоС Í10J3Q33 ЗбоЗрдЭор o¿foO.
ВафЗпбпЬ ЗпзЬздпЬ сп$эбо<Ззбоавэп(?бзР10рв>г> &эЬ"0зс0() XIX boOjjSnçoC Qon"<jij. Joßa3300 6306036360 Ьродс^б djjf>3o-
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33J6306000300 608(730630630300 OO336O336O063O963O6O6 360-3600 660З363003060 РО6300. дзфЗпПп a¿3obr> d3dnJdQQ35no> dbnSQcmb ¡7660 6336036300 ззсззоб обдорЗоо 60^33300. РЗЗООЗ" бор 63Э0303З0 бобо 660300666030 ЗбоЗозбоЗозо борооб дорбо, Збшо Ззбзрзого зббоЭзбзоороб зроЗооЗб 603006330693,
боЭбобоб ос?боЗбзо боросЗо З36Р0300Р0 330J36 60306 бо-0{?о 90 63003060 JO603OÖO о"33"оззбоб Зз^бЗобоб 33600 ро 60 6ojoffÖo3o<r 0006336369636 Jo6®330o 63303306360. 33¿?63o6o6 J0603009 00636606 0630600 ^боблс^Збобо ро шоб^бобою йобоо-аюб зоозоробробзЗов ЗобоЗояор PO3¿M3O0 ЗдбоорзЗор ро 063 ?о66030/10630 33J630606 0ÖS.3C33OO1O 00636606 -6063660030 ¿fíVQd-br>; 9030633033® JO6033O 3j3O33O60o 03006086060 ДГ/Jf 60333606 330606330906 Я3366 роззобрзсоЗобрз ро 306030300630 об do6o-гоооо Оо'Гобгзоз^Обо, 6ос*со0оз 606906063086 33^6^0600030360 ¿70330 ; 06033 ЗбобооЭос Зззоброзоз® 6303063300 "¿/060300 J3.5J.Í060060" (6390^5060 б.уообоЗзосо), бобзоЗоз обобзсоо
SoJOJafaçnenzfio J3Q33ob о^бовздбпзз çr>6j. 6oj3P03"
cdortoо6offiöo вораозоз aorfjaoaco аобйааордЗдео еоб-
¿363606 aoöo ¡30606 (ijSjùqjÔo 6n¿30¿, зЗпПзосо^д збро Ос?збоЭ-
бя® об, ßnö Дддбо овГЗоот, Ээ^Оч5оЛоб0опеб/)оао бо^оЛссззргаЭо ХХ
OvijjcjßoO галаооеоооообо ррдзороб oöoq ¡¡¿йода э&зоро - о^ол
(¡¿з&зза&з р*>еа<> со роа^ордЗор 630603630 робоолробор «oöo-
¿/оооЗро; аобобзрЛозз júñaiQOQO Ь^зсзазйо 83^60^33600: jó6¿¿q
ообовдб ббпдрого &зфЗо6аог>зпзб çnfljrtôfljnoù po оПоаобор^Яо
J3033ob ¿fínQQbdn оодособробдбоб боб; ¿¡0ÔC13Ç0 SoJödoßrjprcaoo
0060S6 06333 J« £>• "o6(jo3aj6jortoc?®o" Qnb^SfíQdjdbóQ po Э30603-
(I^COP 3j030®/j30 SO© Эд&зрдсдЗдЗб; ¿060133Co 63303306360 dnrín-
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ffopjrt (3rtopooo^ô®o6 po ônb Jofiop ойгсдЯдЗобвоб Oo-
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г^ЗсЗОО дзЯв^с1" роЗд^ойсАХ10 ¿Звздо^о зос-олоб^Зо,
O^rîoJjpo pojjßo^ßjpo обВгсдбдЗоб "здч^дзрз^осор оадобдЗо ?о Оо-З^зоро?, роойраддЗо довгаазс ^ЗОМ^обвМб. 30630 búajjftfOn fi од trie обзро(л0, 06533 jùfaoç CÇsBçntefto пГ'п copo СоОо"тгг,;?о Oj,iJffV73o - Or.Po6,3oS3o jo ЙдороЗсо. Ядаб Сда.ТЛбЗо.-ко
.г/Л' б. ^oroo.yco еооооёзо.тзоб со^чойчггоб «¿сдтоопб
ooüooíto бо.-^к-.злрл'о. оЭобяо'оз- о,;ел7 го 6030F-
¿QÜriQ аобзоОосз® 6300063360 ¡»Ьбядо 6000306 QCa-Qfian ysoço&o еобоОобоолоЗзсо 6505360 jnäJoöoSflob - jo6o86r>6 а060336300 ¿?о6ядо ро 06300636 6¡?o6c>o0o3o.
¿абзаа á33®¿3dn - xix 60.3j.36n6 обасубз<чг> бзооовбоб,
603063 o<WJ<SCJ63co 606060303806 63033000 60^060330080 ~ боЯззбзЗоо 60306 annuo 063006360 6300063360 брзброзо Jorlojç-60 О0ЗО6033606 ço 60306 6000860 030 ¿70603060 co336o3j6o®6oop~ бзопоб. 3063CO 60333606 063006360 бдороб3360 660336300 CdO" 6033""k 633350006 З60036Э0 306333300 рдсСО 630,30636 0б0®3 6603006006030660 Joriaijçdo 00636063360. fior¡oS 00336606 бороб-дпз&ао 0063660 Х/Х 60333606 6o3oqoo6o родЗороб роойуо ро рад-6оз 36CÎ3PP3Ô0 - 600063660 ро роЗз^ророо 630 63063 80606 60-ГоббпзЗо ро бобо бобобо. "¿0330306 зсзЗоб Я060Р363З0" ро "бо-¿ороб 603СЙ0" 0О6366ОСОО 0603060006 збороб, робо6/?збо го08зсэ~ эобо 30 6363С0 ®обабобззороб. 66030060000306 63630 №06360633-®об ¿обазсп (33Í6i333o6 Э3У363З06 3000 /5336 003003063® бооо £3060360. pnj.36606 306oJ5300So(üo 66030060Й3060 336 0060Ö0 Jo6cT30 00636063360 боюо 60630606 30Ö0. боо 63303З0 300006 озззбзп^. з'обазсое »063660000 бобоб "3360360606 «озаоообоз-ооб" ""обобой^зооЗо ро бобо Ззбоз'бзозЗоб 6Г3363000 "обооддоб 3о£о6о". 30^63 об 6ofo66í"3?o6o3 бозороро, aojQfíond рооо боб-Р3600 380 306300, боооо гооббобоззбзоор аобо.вбро 6Р36006 6.3-бо^бзозбоао ообозсоЗо. об бгабобоб 636033 бобо 660336300 пб-10,3030 ©обрособ 03636500. 03336306 S^enjeoQoîоб 3363 33003-Опо оо 3363 оззоо^'^ооо 336 0060Ö0 бояобзбб соЗЗ^ЗзбоОо, ЭобС'Зо Эбггбазб Эз6ос?ЗзозЗоооС J06^3000 №Обз6бг>0тО бобо ¿/33-ообз 30660363:30" 6-бобо "j?oo6 3О60", 060360p 030 or¡o¿30- . бор "30¿n6'j00?" 63603000 J06¡?30 003360336060. 3008083» 306-
jjçnbô ро gntig oçnnôob абвзсоЗошо ¿?0 60390 0063606330 jo 60-, 36009 Об 6033.3J0J330.
JxSfajço. бос0(3^.-50(303^ jí50(3ojO anajdob 60333636005,3606
еоббозсгаЗоЭо ОросоЗб 6303606. 60063663903000 90336033606 боб-3380 ро OÖOC-OÖOCO ¿30600 роббоойобоб ХЛГ 60333606 063c06360 Лзосо80о6, 603063 003360336300 606060393606^ 00306333633060. обобвобозз 0603 збро ос?обоЗбоб, боб бо^обсоззсоЭо 063006360 Сойзбойдбоб ро ¿36609, JT/X 60333606 063С06360 630С08606 О36-розсо P0ÖO.3JOP333CO 380e £06060600 ро об böjÖQdn 06r>dj6jQn-¿JO60 Яоро бзоббзсо Cojo 6ojopodo6 броббо 903360,336006130963060060 JoSooooô. 60З606Э0 роббойзбосоо Jo603со CO336O336O0-6309630606 6036 306390 60333606 063906360 6300063360 брзбога-
Зоб 0t?¿?606 öo6o0opo 6060603033060 ро зоббоозсоо ßo6c8 POJ36-боб 6300006joco6 93030p poj366o6 30603^33^633300 63060,5360 "вобов P0J3660 ро poj36633o6 ojfooo", 6063003 0330660 «3360 060360e P0F360 7993 Рорб«'.
63063 Д330О3О - joÖoj36o 0Ö6o3o6 6030060600306 ЛГ/Х 6J3J3606 ¿060390 ро 063006360 6309063360 бобоб0.зсзЗо6 бйб-
• ¿/"3000 CO336O336O6O03O6 робобобоовзЗзроо 603060 603ft-С!0, 06333 б333030^360 60З63З0. 36 30606806036380 6-ЗЗСО 06336033630 во090606306080, добббо юз ббоззбзс 036Ö83 зяозоезэо. "3633 0606000306 JOÖOJ36 иббоЗобоо. J060J360 зззз'Зоб 6360-J663COP 6360660360 360363606 6^36000 об 603600 360900030 6366336 гшбоЗб, бгабсзЗод ¿шоо СОЗ36О3.36О603О6ОО робобобо-О0зЗзсо. 06033 рбоб 36033З6 бо(?оо оборб, 63330303366, 360363 рб. 0^39 о б 30606906063, #ззсо deOífGn 6 ¿060336 oníj60(5j6o-Эо Эзобоз^О вобббззрбо Р363003З060 ро Зобоозсо0'*' бг;С''зйбо,
дпа 3360, 3600 ро 06033 606060303606 б^дбосам Эзбо^бзозЗоЗо.
¿обиде брзбоойоЭо ¿обовбоб бобробдооЗо е)ЗЭС" ^бооро-роб бобробобзоЗб, 30660330163300; 30 <во36 0^366 особс^обз-
бпб Ообороб, Ооро 6306606333 6033363З0 ¿пдо&впЬ 3060303606 3066330 зоббозОоззбозбро ро оОбоЗои 630036 306З063650Р О^ОО, 06300636 003360,33606 ¿0603360 еббяЗоб 363006060 Зборп-Ооо 0^3б. ЙпЬзбпЬ, Зо^ЬЗпбпЬ, 300006306, ббнрзЗоб, £36000606, 6336606 3336900;, ргуоббпбо ро 1713336306 аЗбоЗо ¿о-
6о86об 3063001063306 3601-3600 86^063003 6033О3600, обо боббо 06300636, обобор 6603ооо с^ЗЗбобзбоЭо.
Х/Х 60333606 63000З606 003360536060306 0060606000333-Ооо 30603360 гоббоЗоб гоббзЗоб добяор 3060336330. боЭбобЭо 3063060030 30603360 шббоЗоб 60633380 об Ззбоороб ¿706030 РО 06300636 6?збооЗоЭо ро Ззззоорза роббозззЯобо аз 60 66303-63З0 - 306663033З060 ОЙО6ОО03Э0 боа,- 3060336 0С60З083 630008-6об бобобазозЗоб броброЗоЗо ро бробзр Э.зробзЗо® ЗробЗо, 6о-60Э63З300 030 ^06030 0053603360060006308060 306300 60333606 Зороб.
£■0330330 Лбозозбоборбо ЭзробзЗоюбо 60030606 азовззбо, боб ¿об<гззсо ро 063006300 6Р3603З0 3060336 оЬбоЭоб 363536-ророр 00300600 ®обо6306033 30306 66300 оо ббзро ОО0633806 роббо/?збоб0зо6 03363З36. обош обобо робообооб 60З030003З0Я0 О663З30 6озооз^бз?з36, о^бзЗо 36 603000360/ ¿«рой03360," 03 36036300 Ообооооб. дбороо 3006033606 об 0366336 бобобос Й33-6о 6630363З0 Э3060З63З0, 60603З603 ^о6а>ззоо ро обзообзео брЗбоЗ^о бобоб00336 6050606, 0360606, обябооб, 3605363060 03 606308606 Эзбо^ббзоор. 30603360 Озз&пЬ бобоойдор обобо 1 бобогоорор Эоб'ооббобо ро бобо 3060605306 506606 ЗззбоЗо^йпб
JUoGqoJÙ 0^363636. боа 60^0660363680 bofàOQOtfо jo6o86o6 &оз<1п (Эозослво ônndabSodù. 663 03 б Ьооооозб золобоЗо воьззебп-CO ¿060330о до .06 300b 300 З^бЬобоазбоо jo 086303606006 o^fflSo-6oœ6vv 6363060300," 63360 6003060 б Ядро оброзпрзоспйояоо 3060068330. 6J33016OQ ¿о6оЬо$зоп 3066Ô3033Ô0 30603360 оЬбод06 обо© 60638360 obobooa.366, бобдроо збоЗАодо боЭзороЗого о(5о6 aoöraöotfjpo (00306363110 6o6(5oJ63rto Pi/oöo, роорз^о, ¡5003060,'' робобобмбдро об 606330 боааЗЗСаЗо... )• "обрв р0336606, 30-рооб oojoñQob, ороо З03З030С/06, о jo jo Рзбзсороб, 300^30 з(1о6-оодоб, роз ого зррооЗдороб робобобооиоЗзро 360 306 363063-£>30 QOSQñb обо$з&Ь об брзгзосхво 0360^53933об ро pop (1пр6 со-
бодоЬЬ 30603360 osoJâob dQjô6odo, 30666303360 06330 8306863-t
ДО 6ороо 603300 ро обзробзро б^дЯрдЗо doçno6 çodôbùbno-013b 30 О^ЗбЗС 603303006 0^3636. об 663036330-3066630333060 Qboçynsb, 606 3О0363РО 00^360^36300 cjopoSjSjpop 0(5 о(5бд-бгаЗб. ÖOfflo о,<50)006060 ббодрога СО^ОЛО^Л"^ ¿дбоЬ..
AncraùnôiQOSo op6nS6jpo3, fínd cpnajo-nGacrtJjno oogjriogj-6300 J6aoa6œod0 Qfinan» доаопдЗо 5o зоагодосэз^пдбро ро örfciM
30 53оаюг5даоб ¿ОбоббобОДПо boüruao бптцп-
i ^ - - - -
робз^ооооб doflofflopo J/5o3po9o3o роАбовдбороо dodgjß 66063680:
0¿6nd33á6o¡>jpo 608606360:
1. боОзззззЗо pfdO^á^^JC 360103601060(20 ро 36010360160606-aQöoao ob$o6oobo ро азобооЬ bojoa>6o683, об. , 1987; 7 ооЗобо (Joficoc 36083, 6380363 63бдр 360S3); аобоозбчбодот.
, 2. 80608 P0J3660 ро дорооа 0333630 joñcrjo 0"Зобо$з6о~ до, сЗ. , 7965; в соЗобо (¿060:30 дбоЕ/?, (1380363 6363p Р^ пбзробдг5 363683),
a. tfOdpS P0J36606 6Ö053(1,3PO Ьобцобп ^обс-^р'pololo
до, erb., 1991; 2,5 aiôàobn (06300636 /36083),
4. ¿06030-063006360 O05360536300 3600360080 00606306033 063 0Ö003086РО 633603600 дбпд^Ъп, 5. Jf, J3606050-63c 00 6080300033603 03360363З0ГОО 63600, 08. , /964, 33, 757792 (¿06030 36083).
5. 6ojo 603000^3 063006360 о"33б0(5збоб Ö360Ö38,* 063 обоозоЗбро 63360360o drindjöni, 5,- J3606050630 00 608030-О03З603 633603633000 63600, <яЗ. , 7935, 33. 127-135 (¿06030 .36083);
6. 00636606 обо 13360360006 6OÔO6033O6 6O3O0ÖO ¿0603о ooj36o¡336o06ooe63o3o3o, 063 6606380, 003360536006300630306 63600, 03., 198?, 33. 747-755 (¿06030 36083, 6380363 63630 00 06300636 363883).
?. 063006360 360303300 630008606 ЗзбвЭЗвооЬ 6O3O0ÖO ¿06030 0053605360063006303обо, 06} о0оозо86ро 633603600 660-63З0, 3. ХК/, 33606050630 00 6080300038603 633603633000 бд— боо, 03. , 7968, 33. 79-62 (¿06030 36083).
б. 3366063о" 0053605360 60333606 /7 60Ö33606 ¿06030 600053603360 360503060 00 00636063830, й. 33063030, Я 7 7," 0360, 7966; зз. 50-55 (336З0630 36083).
9. 606336036га 0^336053606 00636606 063060060 ро 0306006 SO3O360O bôjnwbn, aby dfiadjôo, ооЗЗбоЗзбооФзорбзоЗоО 63-боо, ©3., 7969, зз. 126-138 (jóñcvzQ 36083, 6380363 6363p ро 06300636 363383).
70. Зобб ¿6063006 060366360 ¿06030 О0З360536060, ¡у, 060366360060, 053663, 7997, 33. 67-94 (06300636 360S3, 6380363 006036 36083).
- 26 - '
603600606060 30633636303663 £03006390 ¿ЬббзбзЗзбо:
7. Н^бф 9033660 JO6039 609033603360 jfín^njóOù 90 0063-ôo63660, 606636360 £03006390 90336609030)0 64-д 603600606060 ¿яб&эйдеоооад poç 0603063060 (¿363366360, ¿36306 36033660,33-(30, /990 р. 2? 039060 - « 0330630),
2.. ßortoS 9033660 90 бобо 6o6¿/o6o 309033006 3060606 З03-SooSo, 606636360 розошЬдоо 903366090300 S5-3 603600306060 3063363630063 909 06030630Э0 (СОЗЗ^^ЗСО, 90336^3906 36033660-ЗЗЗо, 1991 р, 12 - 1? 039060).
Si ¿0603360 0660606 6030060600306 JT/X 60333606 ¿060390 90 063906360 6309063360 ÔOÔO603O3ÔO6 6^3690аоЭо, 606636330 £03006390 30^,306006390 ¿¡3Ô6ô? "З06Л06" 900663806 750 рробоо-3060960 60693609 6063360360 ¿063363630083 909 йбоЗобзФЭо (9069060, 90690606 360336603330, 7997 р. 70-72 039060).
General Description of the Work.
The Topicality of the Theme. The idea ha« lor>9 «since gained ground in Georgian literary criticism that on the modern level of research 1ocal study of Georgi an 1lterature, as well as of any other 1iierature, is incomplete. Its study should be di rected by tak Ing i nto consideration the world 11terary process. In my view, not a single country's 1lterature could have developed In isolall on from the general conceptual plane of the epoch. More or 1ess direct relatlonshi p and general J aws of development have always existed between different national literatures. Georgian literature Joined world literature at its early stage - in conformity with the historical processes, it first got Into the orbit of Eastern and Byzantine literature, and then into that of the West. Scholarly researctt into Georgian literature in relation to the processes of world literature, carried on from different angles, commenced in the 19th century. Such research developed gradually, considerably slowing down after the sovietization of Georgia. The transfer of attention to the literary contacts of the peoples of the Soviet Union and the setting up of unified principles of Soviet, literary research limited Georgian-foreign 1iterary contact s and their geographical area, determining the main direction of Georgian literary criticism. Soviet literary criticism found itself completely isolated from its world counterpart, getting into an impasse. The only correct way out' of this situation was found in the e»Os. Research into literary contacts start eds
study and systematization of the long history of literary contacts, comparative research» identification and analysis of inner or outer contacts between literatures, working out of theoretical concepts, etc. Study of a national literature in this aspect will fill the gap which existed in the history of Georgian literature and in literary criticism. Literary contacts form a part of the history of literature and, naturally, they must be studied In complex* Observation of Georgian-foreign literary contacts shows clearly that the development of the original literature as well as of literary contacts takes place with equal intensity« On the whole, literary contacts reflect - in the mai n, correctiy - the prevalent 11terary, aesthetic and ideological principles and the general level of the literary process in various periods of Georgian literature. The major trend of modern Georgi an literary research is to conceptualize Georgian literature in relation to the worId 1i terary process, and to study the many-sided Georgian-f oreign literary contacts and
interrelation-ships. As a result, on the hand, t he history
of Georgian literature gains breadth ami depth, and on tin* other, it finds its place in the history of wor1d literature.
The object of my st udy is Gcor gi an-CnglIsh literary contacts and rec«»pti oiis, An attempt i s mmK* to show t h*-1 type of contacts thost* two I 11 era t lit hav»-., and how Georgian
literalute adopted and i nt wi pret t»d its KnglLsh counterpart, and vice ver
The level of t he St udy of th»> Pr obi i?m. Hur t- 'oi less
systernatic Georgian-English literary contacts began from the second half of the 19th century. The study of these contacts and receptions began approxi mat el y at the same tin». This process continues at presents on one hand, Georgi an-English literary contacts are i ntensif yi ng, and on the other, t he study of these contacts and relationships wi thi n these two 11teratures is being placed on a firm scholarly footing.
Georgi an-English literary contacts const!tute a two-way process, involvi ng both Georgi an and English writers, translators and literary critics. They endeavour to widen literary and scholarly contacts, assuming different form of
1iterary ties. As for the scholarly sphere, two trends can
be si ngl ed out here: on the one hand, study of Georgi an 1iterary processes by English scholars and study of English literary monuments by Georgian scholars, and on the other, research into the history of Georgian-English literary relations and the comparative-literary study of Georgian and English literatures.
The area of British Kartvelologists is mainly concerned with the study of the processes in Georgian literature
while Georgian scholars in addition to studying various aspects of the history of English literature also do research on the Georgi an-English 1iterary contact s, consldering both literatures from the point of view of comparative literary st udy.
T have tried to complete the history of Georgian-English literary contacton the basis of the material already studied.
and by bringing to light new facts and phenomena and analyzing these contacts in a novel way.
The purpose of the Work. Of the contacts of Georgian literature with the literatures of West European countries the histories of Georgian-German and Georgian-French literary relations have been studied more or less comprehensively. Also nure or less completely have been studied some aspects of Georgian-English literary contacts. I set myself the .task of identifying and classifying the main trends of the history of Georgian-English literary contacts and of creating a generalized picture of a comprehensive history on this basis.
The Scholar1y Novelty of the Work. I have made use of relatively unknown and unexplored 1i terature obtained in foreign scholarly circles, materials found in Moscow and Oxford libraries» unpublished manuscripts preserved in
Scholarly-Research laborator y of Georgian-Forei gn Li terary Contacts at Tbilisi University, and in my own private archives, the extracts from correspondence with British scholars. Besides, the available »-««iarih finding«; are brought together, studied and taken into consideration. On this basis, a systematized, documentary history, lefiecting Georgian-Fngl i sh 1 i terary contact s, is pr osont
The Theoretical and H»t hodol ogi ca I Basis of the* Work. The work is based on the» latest tlioo/ptiral athipvtwnts of 11 terary criticism, his tor teal -oompai at i v«.> st udy of th*» f acts and phenomena of lit er-ir y cunt acts. Us»? has bi^on nwde of tlw terminology accepted in KurnpuAn and Georgian literary
The Prac11cal Value of the Work. The mater1al revealed i n the work 1 s used by the aut hor i n speci al courses on Georglan-foreign 11ierary contacts. The f1ndlngs may as wel1 be used in lecture courses on the history of Georgian and English 11teratures. It may also serve as the basis of further research on Georgi ar»-Engl ish literary cont act s.
The Approbation of the Work. S^parat & parts of t he work have been discussed «at the sessions and seminars of the Sic hoi arl y-Research Labor at or у of Georgi an-Foreign Li terar у Contacts, at Republican scholarlу conferences, at Internat ional Symposi a in Great Br i tain С Canterbury, Li v«?r pool, London) . Let ter s on t he work have been publ I shed i n the Proceedings of Tbilisi University, in Scholarly Journals in Jena С Germany) and Odense С Denmark), two monographs С i n (ieorgian, wi t h Russian and Engl ish Summaries) and one booklet in Engl i sh have been published as well.
The Structure of the Work. The work consists of an i nt r oduct i an, t hree chapters, ei qht subchapters and an afterword; a hi bliography i s appended.
The Contents of fhe Work
The Introduction argues the necessity of studying literary contacts. In Geo i gia research of thi s typ«=* started in t he s«?cond half of the nineteenth century and has traversed a long path of development attaining a new stage in the 1 oiios. Го denote t hi s sphere of research new i erms have appeared: r nmjmrat i vi sm, J i t erar у rnmparat. i visti<:s, compar at 1 vo
literary research, comparative approach, comparative study, comparative method, literary relations, literary relation and interaction, typology, mutual literary enrichment, literary ties, study of literary contacts, literary links and contacts, literary contacts and interrelationships. The latter term has been proposed by me. Though it lacks the desirable laconism, it gives an exclusive reflection of the field of literary research, that studies not only outer literary contacts of various national literatures, but inner interrelationships as wel 1. The above named terms denote on*Ly particular, narrow fields.
In comparing the Georgian and English literatures upto the middle of the 19th century we may observe si mi 1ar phenomena in the 1iterary processes of these two countries G Christian mentality. Renaissance thought, peculiarities of romanticism, realistic vision, etc.Facts of separate spontaneous literary contacts are also si gnif leant. Si nee the second hal f of the past century these relations have been expanding, which was first revealed in the translation of Georgian literary monuments i nt o Fngi ish and acadomic s t udy uf Georgian 1i terature by Engli sh scholars. In Georgia translat ion and study of English fiction, and comparative analysis of Georgian and English literatures began from this period. In the course of time Georgian*l!ngl i sh I iterary t ii?s became more versati1e and came to cover di f f er ent ]arqor spheres of literary contacts and interrolat inn-»hip*. Thus, from the middle of the 19th centui y Georgiar>-Kngl ish literary contacts
and their stu<1y rose to a new stage, acquiring a more or 1 ess systematic character.
Chapter One - Hi stor i co-Phi 1 ol ogi cal Prerequi si tes of the Development of Georgian-English Literary Contacts.
Consideration of t h<> hi stori co-phi 1 ologi cal pi ane on which i hi s or that literature developed seems to me the necessary condition for the study of interliterary contacts. Hence, in t he first chapter I tr i ed I o revi ew bri ef1y the ori gins of Geor gi an-Engl ish r«l at i ros . f he establishment of cultural ti es between different, peoples often starts by ov*»r powering language barri ers. In consegence oi t his lexi cographic. Interest rises at the first stage of cul t. tir a I -schol arly contacts. T hat is why I f octised on ^nal y3:ing Geor gi an-Engl ish an«l Engl 1 sh-Gecrqi an dictionaries preser ved in t he Bodl eian Library of Oxf ord University from the earliest timc?s. In addition, the devel opment of 1 i ter ary thought has b*»en t raced in Georgl a and in England before the inception of Georgian-Fnglish li t er ary contacts basi s on whi ch t hose contacts arosu.
Fi rs t subt i 11 e - At t he Sources of Georgian-Engl i sh Cultural Relations. Direct literary relations of these two countries wfe preceded by fragmentary informal ion gradual,1y appearing in Georgian and English literary monuments* in the former, about Britain and its culture, and in the latter, about Iberia and Colchis.
The first writ! en documents in G^.ugia about England and the F.'ng 1 i sh people and i n Engl and about tlie Goer gi ans date bark to 1 he Hi'idle Ag.-v,.
Korneli Kekelidze notes thai the ancestors of the English nation - the Colts, the Iberes, the Britons and the Island of Great Britain inhabited by these tribes are mentioned in the lOth-cent. Georgian written sources.
As for the first information about Georgia in English sources the works of English chronicles - Bartholomew the English, Roger Bacon and Matthew the Parisian provide scanty but Important evidence, pointig out the geographical location of Georgia and the Christianity of the Georgians. The Iberians and the Laz are mentioned among the great and powerful Christian peoples of the East. At the beginning of the 14th century the Catholic Bishop of Siibastopolis Can historical name of modern Sukhumi - M.O.J sends a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury and to other bishops ot England, describing the religious, political and social state of West Georgia of his day.
Special attention is given in the study to the names of Georgia and Georgians in English sources and to the terminology denoting Great Britain and the British people in Georgian materials.
Lexicographic contacts form ari aspect of cultural contacts between the two peoples. Hence their study should become not only the concern of linguistics hut of the history of culture, viz, of philology, in the bi oad sense of the discipline. This is discussed in 11»? second subtitle ot thf study! Georgian-English Lexicographic Contacts.ihe attempts of English philologists to study the Georgian languayp ai t> const iler ed to
be direct evidence of Georgian-English cult ural relati ons. Reference is made to Georgian-English and English-Georgian 1i ngulstlc and t hemati c dietionari es and glossari es C both printed and in manuscriptJ. A scrutiny of this material has shown that the Engl ish authors did Justi ce not onl y to the Georgian language, but to its dialects as wel1» They compiled comparative dictlonaries of Kartvel1 an and Caucasian 1anguages - some intended for 11nguists, others to assisst translators, and so on. The ear1lest dictionary of Kartvel1 an languages kept 1 n the Podl ei an library was compi led in the 1780s. In Georgi a work of this type chronological1y commenced much later.
In the thi rd subti tJ e - The Process of Development ofv Literary Thought in Georgia and in England, the road traversed by Geer gian and Engl ish 11 ter at tires from t tie begi nni ng to the mld-19th century, i.e. to the period when Georgian-English literary contacts became more clearly defined is briefly described.
In vari ous peri ods of Georgian history, diff erent cult ural-pol i 11 cal ori entati ons contribut ed to some extent to the variety of cultural-historical relations. Georgian philosophical, social and literary thought developed and underwent refinement in the context of Eastern and Western cu] tural-1iterary trends of thought. Owing to the political catastrophe of Georgi a in 13th cent ury, i ts d^vel opment along these lines ceased, while Western literature continued to develop, arriving at Renaissance thinking.
Like Georgian literature? English literature also traversed
a 1 ong path of devel opment. 11 t ook shape and devel oped i n contact wi th Greco-Roman, Norman, Danish and French cul tures and literatures. While English Renaissance literary thought was superseded by various literary trends of the following periods, Georgian literature was in a grave crisis. From the second half of the 1?th-century national literary trends began t o strengthen in Georgia and new roads were sought to Western literature. The revi vi ng G&orgi^n literature again followed European 1 i terary thought. From the second hal 1 of the 19th century Georgian-European, par t icular1y Georgian-Engli sh, liter ary contacts and receptions acqui red more systematic character.
Second Chapter - Towards the History of Georgian-English Li terary Contact s and their Study. This part of t he paper gives a reference survey of the general picture of th** Georgian-English literary and scholarly contacts. Separately are si ngled out and discussed in dotal 1 t he s tages of development and main problems of Engltsh Rustvolulogy and Georgian Shaken pt?arean studies - as the best examplos of reception in the hi story of Georgi an-Engli sh lit erary relations.
First subtitle - Georgian-English Literary and scholarly con t ac t s - compr .ist-s th«» mater ial accord! ng 11> whl ch a suggestion may bo made that from the Middle Ages Georgian and Engl i sh 1 i ter at ures were i. ndi reef 1 y rol a ted to each other - as other liteiMtures took part In contacting them. Direct Georgian-English literary relations were at first reflerteii in the literature nr> travel and d eat t?d one
serious current in these contacts. Georgian-English literary relations were in a rudimentary stage for several centuries and developed spontaneously. It was qui te natural as these relations weren't conditioned by any objective reasons - as for geographical situation Georgia and Great Britain are rather far from each other, consequent I y no pol 1ti cal or economical contacts existed, i.e. there di dn't exist the fact or s t hat woul d accel er ate the dev«s»l opment of cultural relations and the cul tural contact s started af t er t he change of the political course. Since the 19th century Georgian literature directly joined the Diropean literary process. The formation of Kartvelology CGeorgi an StudiesD, as a scholarly discipli ne, in Engl and dates back: to 3 8'iOs. I considered 11 advisable to prosent th*» process of reception of Georgian li t erat ure in Britain in the st yl e of encyclopaedic out1i ne, preserving the chronologi ."il order of the academic activities of Engli sh scholars and transj a*nrs C 5. Maian. W. Morfi11, 0. War drop, M. War drop, F. Conybeare, J. Beddeley, W. All en, D. Lang, R. Stevenson, K. Vivian, D. Rayfield, D. Barret to. Such kind of representation g^vr» me an opportunity to show t. hi* directions of th»=» development of Kartvelian studies i n Engl and and at t he sajf*? t. i me to f ocus on t he contr I but ions of persons. The literary works of some ot them was evaluated by Genrqi ati literary criticism- Basing on them an at.t. empt i s made i n the pr e«:ent paper t o add a new facts to this survay C unpubl i sh*»d memo! rs of Hi no War drop M< rrjor y and Ol i vt?r ; Ka* bar i in* Vi vj an* s unpubl i sh«>d essays, ext r act s from private
letters, etc*).
Rather Interesting and versatile material is accumulated by English Philology in Georgia - the English literary works have been translated since the second half of the 10th century, the study of English literature is under way, a deep study is made of the Georgian themes °in English literature, and of Georgian-English cultural contacts, a survey is made of the Georgian translations of English literature, a comparative study of Georgian and English romanticism is carried out, the process of perception of definite English writers and literary trends by Georgian literature is being revealed. The present paper gives short general informations about the reception of English literature in Georgia according to the chronology of stages of development of English literature. It is mentioned that in the history of Georgian-English 11terary contacts the establishment of personal relationships and the organizing of collective activities, viz. scholarly symposia, conferences, Jubilee sessions, etc. as wel1 is of a great importance.
Second subtitle - Shota Rustaveli in English Literature. English Rustvelology is fairly versatile - four English translations of Vepkhistc^aosani CThe hart in the Panther* s Skin}, thoughts of English researchers and creati ve comprehension of the» poem* s theme - such is the reception of t he niedieval Geor gi an t?pi c by Engl ish literature.
The English translation of 7 ho Han in the Panther's Shin made by Marjory Scott Wardrop came out in London in 1912. Half
a century later - in 1Q68 - Venera Urushadze translated the
poem into English CThe Kni ght in the Panther* s Skin} and
dedicated it to the memory of Marjory Wardrop. In 3©77 two new
English translations were published by Katharine Vivian CTh&
Knight in Panther ShirO and by Robert Stevenson (Th& Lord of
the Panther-Skin.}. These translations are done in distinctive,
individual styles. Each translator pursued a definite aim when
embarking on the work. Marjory Wardrop gave priori ty to the
f a i t hf ul r ender i ng of the content of the t ext, whi 1 o Verier a
Urushadze focused attention on the jnelodiousness and poetic
refinment of the poem. Katharine Vivian wished to retell the
text so as to make It easily accessible to the modern reader. r
Robert Stevenson endeavoured to bring the world of Rustaveil close to the contemporary aesthetic demands, while rendering the content accurately. Thus, each translation is charged with a definite function. In my view. Judged by the positions taken by the cited translators, they succeeded in producing high-quality translations. The merits of the English translations of the poem are partly shown in their introductions or prefaces acquaintlng reader with the epoch of Rustaveil. The English translations of the romance of chivalry not only familiarized the English-speaking world with the medieval Georgian epic, but also played the role of a link in the translations of the poem into Chinese, Italian and Finnish.
While discussing The Man in the Panther's SMm, English researchers of Georgi an literature consider the poem mai nly from the point.'of view of comparative literary criticism. Their
studies deal wi th the biographical data of the author, the basic Motifs of the poem, its origin, characters; parallels are drawn with medieval Western and Eastern literatures; the poem treated in the context of world literature»
While working on the above-mentioned question the book Rustav&li in the World Liteiatur& (editor L. Menabde) published by TSU Rustaveil Seminar was of a great help. The book comprises the Georgian translations of Rustvelological papers published by foreign researchers in 1850s-J 970s C each part bei ng appended by preface, bibliography and comments) ; An attempt is made to br ing the 1 atest materi als of foreign Rustvelotogy in the area of scholarly research» Namely, the history of Finnish translation of the poem has been studied, as it is t he result of many-si ded literary contacts and is transi a ted not from the ori gi nal but from the English translation; unpubli shed article of Davi d Darrett Vepkhistqaosani: trying to make senst^ of the- Prologue and Kat hari ne Vivian's pub] 1 shed monogr aph / ic 7 races in Georgf i an L i t «?ra t ure which hasn't entered the Geoi gian st-holarly circles yet have beer» studi ed as wr»j ] ; use has beon made of Kat harine Vi vi a n * s hit her t o u> >puhl i shed articles about the pue m and its translati on. Î he pivsvnt papej c 1 as si 1 i es t tie rr eat i vi? peculiarities of per i:»-»f » t i on of J7**- in the Fun Du-z 1 ^ Skin by
Engl i sit Literature according to the problems discussed in th<?m. The results of my study he J m »mil at»«d as ful)owsj
The essays on Rus t ^ v»-> 1 i and his poem, wi il tni by <U f 1 ej out Piitish authojs at various ti»>es, point to the i;oi iv, i fier at i on
of their contemporary Rustvelological literature. Some
shortcomings or errors of English studies largely stem from the
ideas prevalent at the time in Rustvelological circles. British
researchers may be said to have been innovators regarding the
appraisal of the poem in rel ation to the world 1 iterary
process. Motwithstandi ng some early i ndividual attempts, they
placed the study of the proMem on a f i r mer scholarly footi nq
CO. Wardrop, M. Dowra, D. Lang, K. Vivian, R. Stevenson, P. Dronke},
being the modern level of Kartvelian studies. An attempt is
made in modern English Rustvelological t bought to 1nterpret the
poem in linkage with modern literary taste. This attitude found
expression in translation as wel 1. t
The interpretation of Ve-phhis t qctosani by English scholars is a new word, mapping out new problems of research and giving a def ini te di rectionality to modern Rustvelology.
Third subtitle - William Shakespeare in Georgian Literature. The adoption of Shakespeare's literary heritage in Georgi a t ook di f f erent i or ms and i t has a long history. Shakespeare's plays are being translated into Georgian and staged; the world of Shakespeare is interpreted specifically in Georgian painting and literature, attension is paid to the philological st.i/dy of his plays and sonnets; Georgian translations of Shakespeare are reviewed critically; scholarly st udy is of Shakespearean dra mas reflected in different
fields of Oorqi an cul t vir^», new and ol d Georgian transl at i ons of Shakespeare's s^pai atf plays and collected works puh 11 shed regularly; the bibliography of Georgian
Shakespeareana i s bei ng supplemented.
The main directions of familarization with Shakespeare's iife and works in Georgian literature may be formulated as follows: in the history of Georgian translation art Shakespeare* s genius began to acquire life in the 11340s. Despite some primitlvenes of the first translations, they assumed a great historical function. In the middle period of translat ion of Shakespeare* s works Ivane Machabell made an invaluable contribution to the translation of his tragedies. Two coinplete col 1 ections of Shakespeare's sonnets - trans 1 ated i nt o Georgi an by translators of di ff erent styles have been pubIi shed. The publi cati on is under way of a complete col lection of the poet' s works in fi ve vol times, trans lated from the original C edi tor W. Kiasashvi 1 i 3 , showing t he pecul i ar ities and general level of the 1 Oth-ROLh-cerit. translations.
First humble a t tempts to study Shakes pear c»' s 1 i f e and activity, as wel 1 as to trans late his literary 1 egacy commenced in the middle ol tht» 1 1» centui y, Though the hi ogi aphical data on Shakespeare, publi shod in t be (vorgian pr oss of the past century, lacked scholarly accuracy, they contained novel and interest ing information. Clarif ic;jt ion of t ho writ e»r * s blogr aphy-wrapped in mystery - was «.«ml i iui»*d from t he 195'Os, tui ning into a nut jot research problem ol Cvm ginn Shakespearean st u«1i ('•>.
Critical study of S'luki'speare'^ plays «>Jsi> .start t-d J.n the past century. Cwniiaii st liulai study the ohararfe/ of Shakespeare's personages, their speech, y.oparatc mot it's-'of this
or thai play, or of the entire work, viewed from different angles* - historical, literary criticism, stylistic, 1inguistic, comparative literary cri tici sm, or general cul tarai research is done on the relation of Shakespeare's work with the Georgian world; Shakespeare's heritage is treated in the light of worl d classical 1 itérât tire; problem of the Interaction of the tradi tlonal and i nnovative i n Shakespeare* s work Is investigated; the attitude of irodern Anglo—American literature to Shakespeare* s work is overlooked; monographic study of Shakespeare* s life and acti vi ty is under way»
Shakespearean studi es are one of the most i mportant fields of foreign literary research. Shakespeare* S literary works appear in a deep range of scholarly research with their many-f old problems, being studi ed i n detai1 from rather unimportant upto global questions. An attempt is made in the paper to search the way the Georgian 1i teratur e accepted Shakespeare* s geni us and to find out what ki nd of quest ions were most interesting for Georgian researchers. The history of transiati on of Shakespeare* s works i nto Georglan has been di vided convent!onally i nto periods the types of transiati ons and chronology being taken into consideration and, thus, presenting the long process of translation in such a way. The t heori es and researches of Georgi an scholars f rom the second balf of the 19t h cent, up to t he present day have been st udi ed as wt»] 1, and the main direct! ons of Shakespearean st udi es have beei i r ev«-»al ed. Wi th t he same principles has been studied Gfwr i? i Shchosp^cir&cria. tin five volumes; compiled and edited
by Mlco Klasashvl 1 ID in which the modern level of study is reflected. Such attitude towards the Georgian Shakespearean studies gave me opportuni t y to make some def i ni te general1zed conclusions. First of all,it should be noted that Shakespearean Studies in Georgia entered a new stage from 1950s - gained a firm footing and formed as an independent scholarly discipline. Modern Georgian scholars are well acquainted with the world Shakespearean literature, taking it into consideration in the course of original research. Georgian Sliakespearean students are also familiar with the ideas of the so-ealled "anti-Shakespeareanlsts", engaging- in scholarly polemics with their views. Baslcal 1 y, Georgian scholars share the traditional di vision of Shakespeare* s li terary work i nto three peri ods. They never study the poet's work or any particular stage of it in isolation but mostly in relation to the epoch, Renaissance culture, literary and theatrical traditions and, in some me>asur& to the poet * s pri vate life* In terms of depth, modern Georgian Shakespearean research meets the standards of Modern world scholarshlp, ensuri ng for i tself a place in world Shakespearean studies.
Third Chapter - Literary Aspects of the Perception of English Literature» The 10th-century Georgian literature is characterized by artistic adopt i on of the European 1i ter ary process, European literary thought and, generally, coming closer to the European culture. Two main trends can be singled out In Georgian, as well as in English literature of the p^st century - romanticism and realism. In the study an attempt has
been made to research the character of t he recept ion of the 19th-century English real istic 11terature in Georgia, At the same time the use of the most typical stylistic component of realistic literature, i.e. the comic narration has been specially distinguished and discussed in Georgian and English 11teratures.
Subtitle one - The Reception of 19th-century English Realism as a Literary Trend in Georgia - shows how Georgian 1i terature recei ved English realistic 111 erature and how it was i nter-preted by Georgi an literary research. A defi ni te contributi on to the process of percepti on of 1Oth-century English reallstic literature was made by a few Georgian
translations. The translation of Charles Dickens' works
commenced in the 1060s and has cont J nued to present, time* seven short stories and three novels have been translated and publi shed. The Pos thum&xis Papers of the Pich\i>ich CI vb and Nicholas Nich.1 eby were tr anslatr?d from the original, the ot her works from Russi an trans 1 ations. TheIr sources have been identified through comparing the Georgian texts with numerous Russian translations in the present study. Dickens' literary versatility is not reflected in the Georgian translations because of t hei r sma11 number. As for Wi 11 i am Thacker ay, the foreword of his novel Th& History of Pend.p-rxrxis and the peak of his literary work, /ant ty rair, n> * translated into Georgian. Before creating the latter novel, Thackeray traversed a long literary road, revealing the author's consistent growth in stature. After this novel hi s literary ski 11 gradually declined. Neither Thackeray's evolution nor the decline of his
mastership found reflection in the translated literature. Of Charlotte Bronte's works only her most celebrated novel Jans Eyre has been translated Into Georgian. Thus, she caio* into Georgian literature "solitarily", as it «ere. The works of Elizabeth Gaskell and George Eliot have not been translated 1nto Georgian.
For about a century and a half Georgian literary criticism has been seeking to fill the gap in translational literature and to shed light from different angles on the peculiarities of above mentioned trend of the 19th-cont. English fiction. It should also be noted that the study of English literature, nan*>ly, the works of English realists took an Independent ling, Nlko Ntkoladze*s correct literary position playing an important role in this. The present work highlights the r.wvin directions of Georgian literary criticism in connection with perception of English realistic literature of the last century and discusses the unpublished manuscript of Charles Dickens* great-grandson David Dickens: Ch.arl&s Oich&ns and The Dickens Family, written by him in 1993 at the present writer's request.
Second subtitle - Towards the Problem of Comic Narration in 19th-century Georgian and English Realistic Fictions.
Each literature is characterised by common and sped fic foatures, Tills law extends to all literary trends, genres and 1 i terary techniques. The same is t rue of comic narratl on as well, To create a cowic e.f f ect. a wri ter of any natlonali t y makes use of the common tradi tional devi ces character!stic of ail 1 iteratures, at- the samo time adding something new,
speci/lc, national. Hence, meet! ng points and parallels can he found in the comlc. literatures of all countries, the more so, in works of the writers of the same literary school.
In Georgian literature comic tendencies appeared in the early period, especially pronounced from the so-called period of revival, while from the 19th century the forms of manifestation of comic narration grew versatile, becoming its stylistic component.
English literature has a ri ch t radi tion of comlc
narration. Along with Chaucer, Shakespeare, Fielding, Smollett,
Sheridan, Sterne that of Di ckens and Thackeray forms a
brilliant stage of development of the comic narr ation not only r
in Engl1sh but in world literature as well.
J Qth-century real1stic literature is characterized by a broad use of f orms of coml c narrati on. The present paper discusses examples of comic narr ati on in Georgi an and Engli sh fictions of this period; an attempt is made to show their similarities and differences. The use of comic narration as a stylistic device in the literature of realism was indicated in Georgi an comparative li terary research at the end of the past century.
A comparative attitude towards the studied problem showed us that Georgian and English writers make use of comic narration mainly to bring to light the vices and shadowy sides of their contemporary life, thereby ridiculing the flaws of soclet y, be they social, pol i t i cal, or national. Obviously, there are many similarities in the means of expression,
resorted to by Georgian and English writers to create satire, humour* irony» grotesque, or sarcasm. To attain a comic effect they make use of the principle of incongrul ty of the content and the form of its expression. Numerous examples of situatlonal humour may be found in their works. Even Georgian and English characters, finding themselves in similar social settings, come to resemble each other. Naturally many of them are marked by utter individuality as well. A pronounced difference is found in such examples of comic narration which are rendered by linguistic means Cpeculiar syntactic word order, dialect. Jargon, distorted or mixed speech...). The language characteristic of Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, Ilia Chavchavadze, Akaki Tsereteli, Giorgi Eristavi, and David Kldiashvili imparts an inimitable colour to their works, pJ aylng a major rol e in the creation oi a comic effect. Dif ference is also observable where Georgian and English writers describe a highly characteristic national situation. I hese si mi 1 ari Lit?:* and di f f erences denmnstr ate once more that national literatures do not exist locally, their unity creating world liter ature.
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