автореферат диссертации по истории, специальность ВАК РФ 07.00.03
диссертация на тему: Эволюция идейных воззрений Сэмюэла Адамса
Заключение научной работыдиссертация на тему "Эволюция идейных воззрений Сэмюэла Адамса"
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ 1 The Diary and Letters of his Excelleng Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., I, 167; Diary and Autobiogx^hy of[ohn Ad ams, L . H . Butterfield, ed., 1,271.2 Er ic Fotier, The Story rf American Freedom, x i i i -xiT.3 Lfffolty and Sedition, in WeUs, Samuel Adams, 17." Steven Lukes, "Types o f Individualism", Dictionary of the History cf Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas, 5 N1x05 KageouXiott;, 'Тоотейттё? ev«\n:iov Ave^aQTrjtwv: аупларабеот! xm 8uo ou[xix«xo)v", IOTOQIO,
51% 41; Steven Lukes, "Types o f Individualism", Dictionary of the History ofIdeas.6 Ntxog KageouJiiac, "1ооте8ытё? evocvriov Ave^agt^itcuv: оототарабеот) TWV Siio aufifiaxuv", larogla, 379,43; A . M . Каримский, Ревалтция 1776 года и становление американской философии, 274.Сокращения: ]СС: ]оигшк of the Continental Congress JHEM: Journals of the House ofRepresentatives of Massachusetts LDC: Letters of Delegates to Congress LMCC: Letters of Members of the Continental Congress
1. Лмериканскш просветители, избранные произведения в 2-х томах, Москва, 1968-1969.2. Вольтер, Философские сочинения, Москва, 1988.3. Джефферсон Томас, Лвтобиография/ Заметки о штате Ъиргиния, Ленинград, 1990.4. Аокк /VKOH, Сочинения, в 3-х томах, Москва, 1988.5. Пейн Томас, Избранные сочинения, Москва, 1959.6. The American History Told by Contemporaries, A. B. Hart, ed., I-V, New York, 1956.7. The Adams -Jefferson Letters, ed. by L . V. Cappon, Chapel НШ, 1959,1-II.8. Adams John, IFez-yb.9. The Adams Vapers. Ser. 1. Diaries, ed. by L . H . Butterfield, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1961,1-IV.10. American Archives: Fourth Series
11. American Political Writing during the Founding Era: 1760-180S, ed. by Charles S. Hyneman and Donald S. Lutz, Indianapolis, 1983.12. The Antifederalist Papers, no электронно2иу адресу www.constitution.org/a^.htm. Соб рание бумаг антифедералисгов содержит большое число источников, взятых из следующих публикащш: The Antifederalist Vapers, edited with an Introduction by Mor ton Borden, Michigan State University Press, 1965; Dommentary History of the 'Ratijication of the Constitution, edited by John P. bCatninski and others, 18 vol; The Debate on the Constitu tion: Federalist and Antifederatist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struck over Ratijication, edited by Bernard Bailyn, Libnuy of America, 1993, 2 vol; The Complete Anti-Federalist, edited by Herbert Storing and Murray Dry, University of Chicago Press, 1981, 7 voL; The Anti-Federalist, edited by Herbert Storing, University of Chicago Press, 1985; The Anti-
Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates, edited by Ralph Ketchatn, Pen guin, 1986.13. The Ajitobioffaphy of Benjamin Rush. His Travels through Тф together with His Сотто1ф1асе book for 1789-1813, Phdadelphia, 1947.14. Bet^amin Franklin's Letters to the Press, V. Cappon, Chapel HiH, 1959, vol 1-2.15. The Book of Abigail and John: Selected letters of the Adams Fatnilj, 1762-1784, ed. by L . H .Butterfield, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1975.16. The Bowdoin and Temple Papers, In Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 7the Ser.Boston, 1909.17. Bradford Alden, History ofMassacfjuseas from the Year 1790 to 1820, Boston, 1829.18: The BHefsbftheAmriiàn^ifo^on:ComtitWidn(ilAf^^ Thomas Hutchinson, Gov ernor of Massachusetts Bay, and James Bowdoin for the Council and John Adams for the House of Representatives, edited by John РЫШр Reid, New York, 1981.19. The Complete Writings of Thomas Paine, ed. by Ph S. Foner, N. Y. 1945, vol. 1-2.20. ChasteUux François Jean de Voyages de M le Marquis de Cbastelhx dans l'Amérique Septen trionale dans ks Années 1780, 1781 & 1782, Paris, 1786, 2^ éd., I-II.21. Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, Memorandum on Trade, 1664, in Lettres, Instructions et Mémoires de Colbert, vol. Ц, ed. by P. Clément (Paris, Libtaine Impériale, 1863), 263, 268-71, Internet Modem History Sourcebook, www.fordham.edu.22. The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, ed. by Jonadian Elliot, Washington, 1836-1845, I-V.300 Шейные еоззртш Сэмюэла Адамса (1722-1803)
23. Diary andAutohiogrcpbj of John Adams (New York, 1964), L. H . Butterfield, ed.24. The Diary and betters of His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., ed. by P. O, Hutchinson, Boston 1883, vol. I-II.25. Diary ofJohnQ. Adams, ed. by Butterfield, Cambridge (Mass), 1963, vol. I-II.26. TheDocumentagHistory of the First Federal Elections, 1788-17P0,M?idison 1976, vol. I-II.27. The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, ed. by M . Jensen, Madison, 1976, vol. I-II.28. Douglass WiUiam, A DISCOURSE concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America. Especially with Regard to their PAPER MONEY: More Particularly, In Relation to the Provitue efthe Massachusetts-Bay, IN NEW ENGLAND, Boston, 1740.29. The Federalist Papers, edited by Isaac Kramnick, London, New York etc, 1987.30. Fletcher of Saltoun, A Discourse of Government With Relation to Militias, in Seleaed Writings, Edinburgh; Printed in the YearMDCXCVIII, http://www.constitution.org/liberlib.htm
31. Fowler, William M. , Samuel Adams: radicalpuritan. New York: Longman, 1997.32. Franklin Benjamin, A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper-Currency, Philadelphia, 1729.33. Gordon William, The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment, of the Independence of the United States of America, London, 1788, vol. I-IV.34. Grotiias, Ott the Law of War and Peace (De Jure Belli ac Pacii), 1625.35. Harrington, James, The Commonwealth of Oceana, 1656.36. Hawley, Joseph, Letter to Ephraim Wright - The American Historical Reinew, X X X V I ( №
3, July, 1931), 776-8.37. Hume, David, Selected Esstiys, ed. by Stephen Copley and Andrew Edgar, Oxford - New York, 1993
38. Hutchinson, Thomas, The History of the Colorry and Province of the Massachusetts Bay, Law rence S. Mayo, ed., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1936,1-III.39. Jourmls of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789, ed. by W. Ch. Ford, Washington, 1904-1937,
40. Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, 1763-1774, ed. by Massachtisetts His torical Society, Boston, 1971-1981.41. Letters oJBetgamin Rush, ed- by L. H . Butterfield, Princeton, 1951, I-II.42. Letters ojDelegates to the Congress, ed. by Smith Washington, 1976-1985,1-XVI.43. Letters of Members of Continental Congress, ed. by E . C. Burnett, Gloucester, Massachusetts, 1963,1-VIII (First published in Washington, 1921-1936).44. The Letters of Richard Нету Lee, ed. by J. C. Ballagh, New York, 1970, I-II (First published in 1911-1914).45. Massachusetts: Colony to Commomvahh, Documents of the Formation of its Constitution, 1775-
1780, ed. by R. J. Taylor, Chapel НШ, 1961.46. Minot, George Richards., History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in 1786 and of the Rebel lion Consequent thereon, N . Y., 1971 (First edition published in Worcester, Massachusetts,
47. Montesquieu, The Spirit Of Laws.48. Paine, Thomas, Rights of Man, Common Sense, and Other Political Writings, edited with and introduction by Mark РЫ1р, Oxford, New York, 1995.49. Pamphlets of the American Revolution, 1750-1776, ed. by B. Bailyn, Cambridge, Massachu setts, 1965,1,1750-1765.50. Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789: National Archives. Microfilm Publications.Washington, 1971,204 tolls.51. The Pliers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. by J. P. Boyd, Princeton, 1950-1974,1-ХЖ.
52. Peter Oliver's Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion. A Tory View, edited by Douglass Adair and John A. Schutz, Stanford, Cahfomia, 1961.53. The Petition of Right, 1628, htlp://www.constitution.org/liberlib.htm
54. The Political Writing of John Dickinson, 1764-1774,N.Y. 1970.